Leslie Becomes Passionately Pro-Life

“My first option and my only option that I was told was to get rid of him. I actually had an abortion set up in Washington. When I saw my son up on the screen in front of me on the ultrasound at First Care, he was sucking his thumb and that was the first thing I saw. Hearing that he was healthy, it was like a weight was lifted off of my shoulders to know that I actually had a healthy baby inside of me after everything that I had done to my body. 

You guys gave me other options other than termination. When the DC office explained to me the process of what you have to do for an abortion late term, it was disgusting.  They put a foot long needle in your stomach to kill your child.

There are other women in this world that are doing that still every single day. They are being told that’s their only option, and it’s not! Y’alls name needs to be everywhere because you guys made a massive difference in my life. 

I started getting involved at church and got baptized in Jesus’ name three months after I had Keenan. Then two months later his father and I got married. Now I’m pregnant with baby #2 and I am very excited!”

– Leslie and son, Keenan

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